Wetzel Estate Winery Directions
Wetzel Estate Winery and Vineyard is a family-owned and operated winery established in 1990. The winery and vineyard are located in the Mid-Willamette Valley just outside of Dallas, Oregon.
From Salem: Head West on HWY 22 and follow for approximately 20 miles. We are atop the first large hill (Butler Hill), and we are immediately off of the highway on the right hand side. There will be a blue “Wetzel Estate Winery” road sign just before reaching our winery.
From Lincoln City: Follow HWY 101 North, turn right on exit OR-18 East and follow for 27 miles. Take a slight right to continue onto OR-22 East and follow for 6.5 miles. We will be on the left hand side of HWY 22, just before descending down Butler hill into the Willamette Valley.